"Ghosting" is a beloved Halloween tradition in the United States, Canada, England and other countries. Your location might call the institution "Ghosting" or "Boo-ing," but both have the same concept.
"Ghosting" is a fun way to spread Halloween spirit between friends and neighbors. The action can be done anytime throughout the month of October, but the the early part of the month is the best time. Beginning early will give enough time for every person in your neighborhood to be "ghosted."
Halloween Night
To begin, you need to "ghost" two habitancy (or families). And, you'll need the following items:
Two Halloween treat bags filled with candy or other holiday items.
Two pictures of a ghost, or you can make your own ghosts out of tissue paper. Manufacture your own ghosts will allow your kids to get complicated and participate.
Enclose a letter in each bag that says "You've been ghosted" and write the how-to instructions to keep the "ghosting" going.
When you have the two treat bags, ghosts, and letters ready, deliver them (after dark) to your targets. Drop one on each porch, or outside the front door. Ring the bell and run away. Don't get caught! You must remain anonymous. If your children want to join in the fun, be sure to accompany them, for safety.
Letter and Instructions:
Compose a letter, and comprise "ghosting" instructions. You can make your letter extra extra by adding a Halloween poem. But, be sure the "ghosting" instructions are easy to understand. If you already have been "ghosted," you need to "ghost" (or boo) two families within two days.
In addition to the "scare" kit (treat bag and letter), leave a paper cut-out ghost or the words "boo" to be posted on the doors. Or, your kids could write the words "boo" and draw pictures on craft paper, for door posters. The recipient should hang the cut-out on the door so others will know they've already been "ghosted."
Here's an example of a "ghosted" letter that you might want to use.
You've Been Ghosted!
"Late last night, we left a treat for you. The tradition is fun, so we hope you'll join in and keep the tradition going.
Take the ghost and tape or tack it on your door to let others know that you've been "ghosted" and don't need more.
Now, it's your turn to surprise two more neighborhood families.
Gather some treats and deliver them soon, within two nights, under the light of the moon.
Include a ghost in each treat bag you give, and this poem for the tradition to live."
It's just a unobjectionable fun Halloween trick, that could comprise other things in the treat bags. For instance, you could start a recipe swap, and comprise a beloved Halloween cookie, candy, or punch recipe in the bag.
Each year, you could receive a new and dissimilar recipe, while sharing your own beloved Halloween homemade treat recipes with friends and neighbors.
Halloween Ghosting
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